

Academician Zhong Nanshan: In the future, we hope to discuss cooperation with Haid Group in cross infection between human and animals, disease prevention and control as well as other related fields


China, has A scholar, who unparalleled in the world. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, an old man goes with millions of heroes in harm’s way; he carried the safety of his country on his shoulders and played the role of maintain stability. His voice alerted the people, his excellent medical skills reassure the people; his candid personality let the people admired, this is Academician Zhong Nanshan.

Sincerity and country share sorrow and anger, and those who suffer from it are also alike. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there is a company, together with hundreds of millions of people, fought with each other to overcome difficulties. Internally, to ensure the resumption of work and production to maintain the stability of the common people's food basket; externally, to give full play to the social mission and responsibility of a leading enterprise. This corporation actively donate money and materials to share the country's worries. This is HAID, name after the spirit of “The Sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold”.

Academician Zhong Nanshan, Professor He Jianxing, Dean of Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health

On April 20, After the Haid Group donated two ECMO (artificial lung) to Zhong Nanshan Medical Foundation, Alex Cheng, executive vice president, Glory Chai, assistant Vice President, and their colleagues, who from Haid Group went to the Guangzhou Institute of respiratory health and exchanged with academician Zhong Nanshan, Professor He Jianxing, Dean of Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health and other authoritative experts of the institute.

On the spot, Alex expressed the respect and greetings to the anti-epidemic experts from Xue Hua, chairman of the Haid group, he also introduced the development status of Haid Group and its efforts and achievements in fighting against the epidemic and work resumption. Alex said: Haid has now grown into a comprehensive group of agricultural industrial chains, including seedling, animal health care, feed, animal breeding, food circulation, and grain trade. At the same time, it is also a high-tech and new agricultural and animal husbandry enterprise with R&D and technology. The annual R&D investment is more than 400 million yuan. Haid Group has a research team of more than 1000 people, supporting the current six major zoological research directions to continuously improve the efficiency of aquaculture for 800 thousand farmers and provide healthy and safe food for the whole nation. Alex also expressed the intention and direction of the cooperation between Haid Group and Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health. "We hope to explore cooperation in animal disease prevention and control, cross-infection between human and animals’ prevention and control and other related fields in the future to share the interests of the people."

Alex Cheng, executive vice president, Glory Chai, assistant Vice President, HAID Group

Dean He Jianxing praised Haid Group for its achievements in maintaining employment, building people's livelihood, and charity. Dean He Jianxing said: Haid Group attaches great importance to research and development, aiming to provide safe food, the Institute is a non-profit scientific research organization with people's health as the research direction, and both policies and guiding ideology are highly consistent. After the outbreak of the epidemic, the Research Institute has received social support from many parties, especially from Haid Group. At present, two ECMO devices have been used in clinical practice, and some severe patients have been successfully treated, with obvious effect. Thanks for the love donation of Haid Group. In the future, more caring enterprises like Haid Group will be needed to support the development and innovation of research in the field of health.

At the exchange meeting, Academician Zhong Nanshan listened carefully to the scientific research direction and achievements of Haid Group, and highly recognized the achievements achieved by Haid Group in more than 20 years. Academician Zhong said: after reading the resume of Mr. Xue Hua, he was deeply touched. Xue started his business at the age of 28, and has spent 20 years to build the company into an international enterprise with a market value of more than RMB 60 billion, and has a high social ideal and Pursuit, it's not a simple thing. I came out only when I was 35 years old. Now I am still active in the front line. Therefore, chairman Xue Hua is now at his best age to do business and can make a greater career and achievements. "

Exchange meeting site

Academician Zhong Nanshan expressed his interest in deep cooperation with Haid Group and gave the direction of cooperation. Academician Zhong said: at present, the overall antibiotic resistance of Chinese people is very high, which is related to the addition of antibiotics in some animal feeds. In the future, we hope to increase R&D cooperation with Haid Group in the field of antibiotic substitutes, so that poultry, aquatic products, and other animals can grow healthily and minimize the harm to human health, and promote the iterative upgrading of Chinese feeds to a safer and healthier direction; this is also beneficial to the people's livelihood. I believe that such a company with a high sense of social responsibility and mission can fulfill it.

Group Executives presenting flowers to academician Zhong Nanshan and Dean He

Alex introduced the research results of Haid in the field of antibiotic substitutes to academician Zhong Nanshan: Haid Group began to study alternative antibiotic solutions in-depth many years ago, and now has formed a comprehensive alternative antibiotic research and development program and has put it into the market. In the meeting, Alex suggested to the government to issue a more detailed management policy in this field, to put an end to other hidden dangers brought about by the state's pre-issued comprehensive Prohibition of the antibiotic use in feed production policy on July 1 of 2019, and to provide safe and healthy food for human beings, which is the long-term cause of Haid Group.

Group photo